360 is a 2-year, innovative, pilot program which focuses on giving young people facing barriers meaningful work experience at Canada’s top employers.
The program teaches young people foundational skills to get them work-ready, then places them in well-paid corporate jobs. To ensure the young people’s utmost success, 360 provides mentorship, wrap-around support and valuable professional networking opportunities throughout the entire program.
Graduates of 360 will possess sought-after professional skills, real work experience at reputable organizations, positive references, a professional network and most importantly, the confidence to self-navigate the world of work.
For corporate partners, 360 will enhance their corporate social responsibility and DEI by providing work opportunities to qualified but barriered young people who normally wouldn’t appear in recruitment pipelines.
Year 1: Skills Development and Working Experience (Full-time, up to 40 hours/week)
Year 2: Mentorship and Coaching (A few hours per week depending on your goals and needs)
360 Job Opportunities
The application window has closed for this cohort.
However, your journey doesn’t have to stop here!
Reach out to youth@kingstrust.ca and follow us on social media to stay up-to-date on all things 360 and beyond!
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